September 15, 2016

“University Campus Visiting Lecture Series 2016” Set to Commence in October

The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. (JAMA) is pleased to announce the “University Campus Visiting Lecture Series 2016,” a program organized in collaboration with universities around Japan, in which speakers are dispatched from JAMA member companies to deliver special presentations at those institutions.?(See the attachment herewith for a summary of this year’s program, schedule, venues and contacts.)

The twin goals of this lecture series are to foster interest in automobiles and motorcycles and promote greater understanding of the auto industry and manufacturing among young people.  The program was first conducted in fiscal year 2013, and fiscal 2016 marks its fourth consecutive year.

In this series, CEOs and other top executives at Japanese automakers visit university campuses to speak and dialogue face to face with students not only about the unique appeal of automobiles and motorcycles, but also about the critical importance of Japan’s manufacturing sector. The program has been a resounding success over its three-year history to date and has obtained positive evaluations from the majority of its participants, who affirmed as a result their “growing interest in automobiles and motorcycles.”

For this year’s program, top executives from eleven JAMA member companies are taking part as visiting lecturers.  Through talks covering a wide range of topics including cutting-edge technologies and global strategies, these speakers will discuss the fundamental appeal of automobiles and motorcycles and the joys of the independent mobility only they can provide, as well as the crucial role and ever-growing significance of Japanese manufacturing.

JAMA aims to strengthen its activities dedicated to providing opportunities for the automobile industry to make direct and stimulating contact with young people. This lecture series is one more key initiative in our ongoing efforts to raise public awareness and interest in regard to the automobile industry and its products.

Attachment: Program, schedule, venues and contacts for the 2016 Lecture Series

