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- “August 19 Is Motorcycle Day–HAVE A BIKE DAY”
Event to take place on August 19, 2019 at Futako Tamagawa Rise Galleria in Tokyo
“August 19 Is Motorcycle Day–HAVE A BIKE DAY”
Event to take place on August 19, 2019 at Futako Tamagawa Rise Galleria in Tokyo
The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association (JAMA) is pleased to announce its joint sponsorship with the Japan Motorcycle Promotion & Safety Association (JMPSA) of “August 19 Is Motorcycle Day–HAVE A BIKE DAY,” to be held on Monday, August 19 at Futako Tamagawa Rise Galleria in Tokyo.
This event is being held to mark Motorcycle Day, designated as such by the Japanese government in 1989 to help reduce motorcycle accident occurrence by raising motorcycle riders’ and the general public’s awareness of road safety and, at the same time, to highlight the appeal of motorcycle use.
The event’s program will include a show to raise public awareness about the proper wearing of motorcycle helmets, featuring TV personality Yuno Ohara; an “Endurance Bike Talk” hosted by comedians Razor Ramon RG, Motohiro Takewaka (aka Buffalo Goro) and Hideaki Murata (aka Toro Salmon) and streamed live on YouTube; a road safety presentation by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s elite “Queen Stars” female officers’ motorcycle squad; and a display of top-selling models from Japan’s four motorcycle manufacturers.
The sponsors look forward to a strong turnout for “August 19 Is Motorcycle Day–HAVE A BIKE DAY.” Admission is free of charge; visitors should keep in mind, however, that stage-show seating capacity is limited. See below for detailed information on this event.
“August 19 Is Motorcycle Day–HAVE A BIKE DAY”: Complete Event Information
DATE & TIME | August 19 (Monday), 2019, 11:30-16:00 |
VENUE | Futako Tamagawa Rise Galleria Address: 2-21-1 Tamagawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo |
SPONSORS | Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Japan Motorcycle Promotion & Safety Association |
Support provided by | The Cabinet Office (Japanese government), National Police Agency, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s Traffic Bureau, Tamagawa Police Department, Japan Traffic Safety Association, Japan Light Motor Vehicle and Motorcycle Association, Motorcycle Federation of Japan |
① On-Stage Events
- 11:30-11:55
- Opening Ceremony (main stage)
Key participants & special guests:
– Yoshihiro Hidaka, Chairman, JAMA Motorcycle Committee (President, Chief Executive Officer and Representative Director, Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.)
– Taketo Hayashida, Managing Director, Japan Motorcycle Promotion & Safety Association
– Representatives of the Cabinet Office, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department and Tamagawa Police Department - 12:00-12:35
- Talk Show (main stage)
Featuring TV personality Yuno Ohara and comedian Razor Ramon RG. - 12:45-13:15
- Road Safety Presentation by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department (main stage)
Featuring the department’s “Queen Stars” female officers’ motorcycle squad and police mascot Pipo-kun. - 13:30-16:00
- Show Promoting the Secure Fastening of Motorcycle Helmet Chinstraps (main stage)
Yuno Ohara will make the case for the proper wearing of motorcycle helmets. - 13:30-16:00
- “Endurance Bike Talk” Talk Show (streamed live on YouTube)
Hosted by comedians Razor Ramon RG, Motohiro Takewaka (aka Buffalo Goro) and Hideaki Murata (aka Toro Salmon).
② Display of Vehicles, Etc.
- Display of vehicles from Japan’s four motorcycle manufacturers (11:30-16:00)
Display vehicles will include the top-selling models from Japan’s four motorcycle manufacturers and two vehicles from the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s motorcycle squad. - Display booths (11:30-16:00)
The booths will offer, among other displays, a Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department-organized comprehensive road-safety exhibit focusing on motorcycles and a “JAPAN RIDERS”-sponsored interactive encounter promoting appropriate motorcycle-riding behavior.
Note: Program scheduling changes may be made without advance notice.
Futako Tamagawa Rise Galleria
2-21-1 Tamagawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo; Direct access from Futako-Tamagawa Station

Bike Day URL:

During Bike Month, which was launched in July 2000 and includes Motorcycle Day on August 19, motorcycle events are held around Japan to promote the convenience and enjoyment of motorcycle use. For more information, visit the Japan Motorcycle Promotion & Safety Association’s website at
Profiles of Participating Personalities (in Japanese only)

大原 優乃(おおはら ゆうの)
- 経歴:
- 現在、年間30誌以上の表紙オファーが殺到するなど、現在もっとも雑誌の表紙を飾るタレントのひとりとして、グラビア誌を中心にテレビやラジオで活躍中。
2018年には、雑誌の表紙を飾った回数が多い女性に送られる「第5回 カバーガール大賞」を受賞。2019年も数々の映画出演が決まっており、女優としても目が離せない存在。

レイザーラモン RG(れいざーらもん あーるじー)
- 経歴:
- 結成22年のお笑いコンビ「レイザーラモン」のボケ担当。

バッファロー吾郎 竹若 元博(ばっふぁろーごろう たけわかもとひろ)
- 経歴:
- 人気お笑いコンビ「バッファロー吾郎」のボケ担当。

とろサーモン 村田 秀亮(とろさーもん むらた ひであき)
- 経歴:
- 人気お笑いコンビ「とろサーモン」のツッコミ担当。