Press Releases

A new show profile to further strengthen cross-industry collaboration


The Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc. (Chairman: Masanori Katayama) is pleased to announce that JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW 2024 will be held from October 15 through October 18, 2024 at Makuhari Messe in Chiba Prefecture.

Over the past 70 years, the Tokyo Motor Show was Japan’s premiere mobility exhibition, showcasing the latest in motor vehicles and automotive technologies. Last year, the show was reborn as the Japan Mobility Show, transforming into a co-creation platform bringing together companies across industries to imagine diverse visions for the future. The new motor show was launched to spotlight the automobile industry’s evolution into a wider mobility industry and JAMA’s vision for mobility companies to act both as suppliers of a means of travel and as problem solvers in regard to various societal issues, working together to create a buoyant mobility-based society. As a result of this shift, Japan Mobility Show 2023 successfully brought together 475 companies and organizations across industries with the goal of envisioning the future together. A record total of 1,112,000 visitors to the show attested to this success.

In 2024 and beyond, the Japan Mobility Show will continue to foster innovation as its evolution as a mobility-focused co-creation platform further advances, drawing individuals and businesses together to create the future.

Japan Mobility Show: A New, Double Profile

Moving forward, the Japan Mobility Show will span a two-year period to form a more complete edition of the show. More specifically, the first year will serve as a “process year” that will focus on the forging of business collaborations bringing new partners together in business events to create the future. The second year will be a “show year” showcasing the latest in mobility-related advances, which will provide visitors with opportunities to discover a future they will surely be eager to navigate.

JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW 2024 will be a process year featuring business-centric events and JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW 2025 will be a show year, as described above.

Collaboration with CEATEC 2024 to Promote Cross-Industry Cooperation for Japan’s Future

JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW 2024 will be held in collaboration and concurrently with the 2024 edition of CEATEC, Japan’s largest digital innovation exhibition. We aim to accelerate collaboration between the mobility industry and the IT/electronic industry representatives participating in CEATEC to promote the creation of a buoyant and confident future.

Three Categories of Business-Focused Events at JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW 2024

JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW 2024 will feature business-related events in three different categories, as outlined below, to promote partnerships between enterprises in addition to showcasing products and services in individual exhibition booths. Passenger and commercial vehicles as well as motorcycles will also be exhibited by Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association members.

1. Exhibitor Booths

Booths will feature, on one hand, startups working to address various challenges in the mobility industry and, on the other hand, established companies looking to innovate by collaborating with startups. Participating enterprises (both startups and established companies) will be able to hold discussions on how to solve a range of societal issues through innovation and development. Applications for exhibitor booths are scheduled to launch in June.

2. Business-Matching Program

The show will feature opportunities for startups and established companies to communicate in person and/or online. A business matching site will allow participating enterprises to input their needs, seeds and business challenges, allowing them, on the basis of more seamless discussions, to better understand each other prior to actual business-matching events. In addition, JAFCO Group Co., Ltd., which has supported the public listing of over 1,000 companies, will help connect enterprises by facilitating communication and promoting opportunities for innovation-focused business negotiations. Applications for participation will become available in August.

3. The Future Mobility Forum

The Future Mobility Forum will take place in designated venues and feature a keynote program on visions and the challenges involved in the advancement of a sustainable mobility-based society, as well as discussion sessions in which specific topics and issues will be examined by experts in their field. Senior officers from JAMA will also participate in these sessions.

Show Information

Name of Event JAPAN MOBILITY SHOW 2024
Dates October 15 (Tuesday) through October 18 (Friday), 2024
Hours 10:00-17:00
Venue Makuhari Messe (International Exhibition Hall)
Admission Free of charge (online reservations required for all attendees)
Organizer Japan Automobile Manufacturers Association, Inc.
Co-Organizer Japan Auto Parts Industries Association
Official Website

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